Understand Your Buyer > How To Lose The Sale > Legacy Name
What is it?
When a business name changes over time and no longer reflects the nature of the business – it can have a detrimental impact.
Why does it work?
As humans we have a need for congruency and are constantly guessing and filling in the gaps. If the name doesn’t match what you do – or is abstract, it can prove a real barrier to being seen as the ideal solution, being remembered or being referred.
How can you use it?
If your business name doesn’t reflect what you offer
- Choose a better domain name to promote INSTEAD of the business name.
- Rename the business (ideally for an explicit name) and solve the problem.
In the UK, Carphone Warehouse takes it’s name from “carphones” which were the beginning of the mobile phone revolution. Whilst not overly obstructive, it’s mentioning something which literally no longer exists.
See also
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