
The Von Restorff Effect

Understand Your Buyer > How To Get Attention > The Von Restorff Effect

What is it?

The Von Restorff Effect looks at the fact that when something stands out in some way, it gets noticed. This is essential for sales messaging as it allows you to engage clients without them having to read the full content of your email/webpage.

Why does it work?

The human brain naturally looks for contrast. When something stands out in some way – in this case by being highlighted – it is more likely to be noticed and engaged with.


How can you use it?

If you highlight and bold key sections of your emails and web pages, you can be sure to catch people that “skim” the content and draw them in to play closer attention.

If they don’t go any further at least you will have made the point you wish to make.

(You will notice throughout this website we use the Von Restorff Effect.)


See also



Magnification in this Amazon listing draws your eye to the features they want you to see.



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