The Speed Effect

Understand Your Buyer > How to connect with your buyer > The Speed Effect

What is it?

How quickly you deliver value to clients can be an important factor to engage them and help convert to sale.


Why does it work?

It works because as human beings we follow the path of least resistancewe want to meet our needs and solve out problems in the quickest, simplest, easiest way possible. By focussing on just how quickly you can deliver value, solve a problem or do what you do, you can appeal to the innate need in all of us to just get things done.


How can you use it?

Depending on your offering, is there a part of what you do that can be delivered quickly? Something that would be appealing to clients as well as simple to complete in a given period of time? Focussing on part of your offering or the offering overall and how long it takes can be a paradigm shift in engaging clients who may otherwise falsely expect things to take much longer. It’s a variant of WYSIWYG – if you don’t tell them, they won’t know.


See also



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