The Onboarding Effect

Understand Your Buyer> How To Keep Your Clients Happy > The Onboarding Effect

What is it?

The Onboarding Effect is all about giving your clients everything they need from the moment they buy from you to maximise their experience and the result they receive.


Why does it work?

It works because many offerings can be complicated, unfamiliar or difficult to use. Onboarding clients and being there for them at the very moment they need you can re-affirm their buying decision and ensure, more importantly, that they get what they need from you.

We all like to feel special and valued, but often the moment after you have bought something is the moment the seller no longer shows you care or attention. Ensuring you have some kind of onboarding or aftercare in place isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity.


How can you use it?

Quite simply, consider adding a live onboarding call or visit with each new client, or a pre-recorded video based onboarding sequence to ensure that every question and potential obstacle can be overcome by the client.

In addition to having an onboarding process, it’s worth also considering the resources and support a client might need in the longer term from your business. The bottom line here is that the more attention and care you show to your clients, the higher the chance they get the result they need, buy again (if appropriate) and recommend you to others. It’s also, as far as I’m concerned, just the right thing to do.


Things to consider for your onboarding process:

  1. Welcome and Introduction – to the company / team / systems / software.
  2. Project Overview – goals / milestones / timelines / deliverables.
  3. Communication channels – where can they get help? How quickly will you respond?
  4. Reporting and Updates – Establishing KPIs and how we track progress.
  5. Access to resources and tools where they can self-serve.
  6. Billing and payment – Confirming the terms and dates for payment.
  7. If things go wrong... – Confirming your emergency action plan should things go off track.



See also


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