The No Brainer Effect

Understand Your Buyer > How To Convert > The No Brainer Effect

What is it?

The No Brainer Effect looks at engaging prospects by offering something that is “too good to be true”. The value of what you are offering seems to massively outweigh the asking price and/or the proposition could be a win/win for all parties involved. With the No Brainer Effect, your buyer will struggle to see any reason not to make the purchase and feel compelled to buy. They may even feel suspicious that this deal is “too good to be true”


Why does it work?

It works because as buyers not only do we want to secure as much “stuff” as possible (even if we don’t need it), but we also want to feel like we got a great deal and a great ROI (return on investment) for what we are spending. Where the value of the offering appears to massively outweigh the price it also justifies our purchasing decision and eliminates our responsibility should anything go wrong. After all who wouldn’t want to buy £150 worth of Makeup for just £29?


How can you use it?

Using The No Brainer Effect in your business involves either creating a deal or offer where you bundle together products or services with a high combined value and offer it for a much lesser price or you find a way to present your offering that benefits all parties or has multiple benefits to it – a Win/Win Scenario.

A great example of this would be magazine subscriptions. You get xx copies of the magazine for much less than the price of buying it in a shop and you also get some kind of special gift such as toiletries or accessories. The total value of what you are getting far outweighs the price – why wouldn’t you subscribe, its a No Brainer!

The No Brainer Effect combines the Deal Effect, The Free Gift Effect and The Abundance Effect to created something irresistible. After all- you wouldn’t want to miss out…. would you?


See also



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