The Live Activity Effect

Understand Your Buyer > How To Convert > The Live Activity Effect

What is it?

The Live Activity Effect is all about showing your website visitors the recent/live details about how may people have viewed or bought your offering.

Why does it work?

It works on a number of levels. Firstly, because it harnesses FOMO. If lots of other people are viewing and buying this item… then it might sell out! This, in turn, creates a sense of scarcity and that could be enough to drive you to act. The other way this works is that it’s a demonstration of social proof. If 25 people have bought the item I’m looking at in the last 24 hrs, it tells me that the item is popular and thus approved by others.


How can you use it?

Depending on your offering, consider using services such as Proof to add a “widget” which actively demonstrates recent visitor and buyer activity.


  • People who have bought
  • People who have things in basket
  • Number of views
  • Number of visitors.



We use an app to show when people have filled out the Selling Confidence™ Score:



See also



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