Picture Letters

Understand Your Buyer > How To Get Attention > Picture Letters


What is it?

Using imagery / pictures instead of letters to seize attention and get your point across.


Why does it work?

It works because we process images much faster than text.

It also works because a word that is spelled with images and not letters is a little unusual and catches our attention.


How can you use it?

To make this work, you need to take just one word from the message you are trying to convey (often a brand name or a tagline)

You then need to pick an image that meets this criteria:

1 – It represents the meaning/concept.

2 – It looks like the letter it replaces and has a similar shape.



In this example, the “oo” in “loop” has been replaced with the infinity symbol which communicates both the “oo” visually, but also the infinite nature of the loop. Clever stuff!


See also





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