Making Moves

The client:

Making Moves London are a specialist in sourcing commercial property for tenants and handling every aspect of moving a business from one location to another.

They act on behalf of tenants, protecting their interests and securing the best deal possible, much in the same way an estate agent would act on behalf of landlords.

The brief:

As an already established and successful business,  Making Moves wanted a more direct and engaging way to explain the nature of their business and to gain clarity.

Whilst estate agency is understood, Making Moves are in effect the “anti estate agency” so the task was how to portray this in an engaging and clear way and to avoid potential confusion.

The delivery:

The first step was to provide a descriptive for Making Moves to differentiate themselves from traditional “estate agency”. We settled upon “Commercial Property Finders”.  This descriptive then makes explaining the nature of their business much more succinct and accurate:

“We are commercial property finders, securing the best deal for commercial tenants in London.”

Being able to label their offering allowed Making Moves to move away from being potentially mis-understood as an estate agency and to further explain their offering.

We clarified why clients would wish to choose Making Moves and what differentiated them in the marketplace to provide a clear and confident sales message for the whole team.

Finally, we created the acrostic LEASE to help current and new sales team members to understand better “how” Making Moves operates:

Learn. We learn everything about your business and what you need.

Experience. We use our experience to then source appropriate properties that match your needs.

Access. We have access to properties that you would not be able to find otherwise.

Savings. We can save you time and money versus you securing new property for yourself.

Every step of the way. From start to finish, we are with you every step of the way to take care of you.

The feedback:

“…Before meeting James our sales message was unclear and our garbled attempts to explain ‘what we do’ were difficult to understand. James’s open and honest approach allowed us to see where we were going wrong and more importantly how we could fix it. After a detailed assessment of our business and our industry James has helped us on how to sell our business the right way. More importantly we now have a clear sales message which is easy for both staff and employees to understand and explain. Thank you for all your help so far.”