
Lead Magnet

Understand Your Buyer > How to Engage  > Lead Magnet

What is it?

A lead magnet is something of value- usually a free pdf or ebook – that is offered to entice someone to sign up to your email list.


Why does it work?

Using the principles of information gaps as well as the Freemium model, lead magnets allow you to engage with new potential clients by giving them something of value, demonstrating your offering and beginning a relationship with them.


How can you use it?

“How to” guides, ebooks, numbered lists, free sheets and more can be used as lead magnets. As long as what is offered would be of genuine value to the recipient then it’s a viable magnet to use.


Types of lead magnet to consider:

  • Report
  • Tutorial
  • Mini Course
  • Access to a community
  • Quiz / assessment / scorecard
  • Worksheet / workbook
  • Webinar
  • eBook or guide
  • A useful tool / calculator / app
  • Checklist
  • Cheatsheet or one-pager
  • A 7/14/21 day challenge
  • A free trial
  • A free sample
  • An in person talk/presentation
  • A free strategy call


See also


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