Monthly Sales Training™  provides the following ongoing training:

As well as access to our courses and 350+ videos/lectures that can be accessed and browsed on demand, there are a number of other ways to ensure your team get access to everything they need:


🖥️ Monthly Focus

Each month we have an area of focus and look at one area of selling. From finding clients to engaging them to following them upobjection handlingmessaging and more – we cover everything you need to succeed.

See the full calendar here.

🎬 Weekly Tips, Actions & Resources

Each month we have a focus and we then break that down, providing direct links to the content, and resources you need.

See the full calendar here.

📅 Daily Support & Weekly check-ins

As well as monthly focus and weekly actions, every day we share best practice within our community as well as the challenges we are facing and how we can overcome them. It’s the access to this kind of continual, community led support that makes all the difference.

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