Understand Your Buyer > How To Convert > Demonstrative Competence
What is it?
Your buyers are judging you on lots of things, but they will judge you the most on being able to deliver what you claim.
Why does it work?
It works because if I claim to be great at creating websites but have a terrible website myself, then perhaps I’m not a great choice for you.
If you as a seller cannot show me as a buyer that you can deliver then I’m unlikely to buy or trust you.
How can you use it?
There are 2 ways to do this.
1 – Be sure that you are the best example of whatever you claim to be good at / offer to your buyers.
2 – Collect and share examples and stories of your work.
For me and Clear Sales Message™, the very name itself – just 3 words – should allow you to understand my offer very quickly which is EXACTLY what I get for my clients. I’ve met people who work in a similar sphere to me but have abstract names that aren’t easy to read, write, speak or spell…?
See also
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