
Confirmation Bias

Understand Your Buyer > How People Work > Confirmation Bias


Confirmation Bias – What is it?

The Confirmation Bias is our natural tendency to seek information that supports our thinking, rather than to challenge it.


Why does it work?

If you can communicate with the client from their perspective and confirm their thinking, questions and viewpoint in your sales messaging, you are more likely to engage them and assure them that making the purchase is the right choice for them.


How can you use it?

When communicating about your business, product or service, which information could you include that your client already knows or suspects? How could you support that information with proof and confirm to your buyer that they are indeed correct? For example, 0% fat yoghurt is promoted as a healthy option – we know that it’s healthy, but having this message re-confirmed to us makes it more obvious and confirms our thinking.


See also



CONFIRMATION BIAS - When it comes to learning how to sell, confirmation bias (taken from Practical Sales Training ™) helps you to understand you buyer behaviour which is essential to improving your sales performance and feeling more confident.
Confirmation Bias

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