
Crossed Out Words

Understand Your Buyer > How To Get Attention > Crossed out words


What is it?

You can seize attention AND challenge the beliefs and thoughts of your buyer by taking a “normal” phrase that is expected and crossing out one or more words to change the meaning ENTIRELY.


Why does it work?

It works because crossed out words are unusual – so it will attract your attention.

It works to engage you as the new meaning of the wording is counter to common, expected understanding.


How can you use it?

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Simply cross out a word as in the Cancer example here.
  2. Cross out a word AND add an alternative. In this example, adding the word “SPECIFICALLY” would add more emphasis to the point being made.



This advert tackles the emotive issue of Children’s Cancer care by focussing on the fact that they specialise in it.



See also:





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