By the time you read this..

Understand Your Buyer > How to connect with your buyer> By the time you read this


What is it?

If you really want to connect with your buyer, then this is a neat, experiential tactic. Getting them to imagine and connect with things happening in “real time”.


Why does it work?

It works because it makes it real. You imagine that something is happening right now and the impact it will have on you. In the example of the animals being slaughtered for human consumption I don’t just think about the time it took me to read the word, I think about after that and going forward how much bigger that number gets.

This is far more compelling than “every day xx animals die for human consumption”


How can you use it?

To make this work you need 2 things.

1 – Something that happens often or in high volume to be significant. (1 animal dying whilst you read this versus 322K are very different)

2- You need to calculate how long it takes to read the sentence or two you will write and then divide it to get the accurate figure.



This vegan advert reminds us just how many animals die for human consumption every few seconds. It’s mind boggling!


See also




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