
Useful Tool Effect

Understand Your Buyer > How To Get Attention > Useful Tool Effect


What is it?

Creating a useful tool that is free for your potential buyer to access can be a great way to create a relationship and trust which can then lead to possibly making the sale further down the line.


Why does it work?

It works because we all like free things and, thanks to Google, we are accustomed to incredibly high quality tools we can access for free. This means we trust and use tools, without perhaps realising that we are in the early stages of a commercial relationship. This is a great example of the Freemium model at work.


How can you use it?

In theory this makes sense.

The hard part is working out what kind of a tool to make.

It needs to alleviate and educate, but not NEGATE the buyer buying from you.



Kleenex have a pollen forecasting app which helps people with hay fever. People with hay fever need tissues and when it comes to buying them…. they will be so familiar with Kleenex and may unknowingly feel the need to reciprocate, that they buy Kleenex tissues.





See also:





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