
Sign up here for 100 Selling Tips

What is it?

100 Selling Tips is a completely FREE email series that will send you 100 of my favourite selling tips at the pace of 1 a day for the next 100 days.

The tips are designed to be easy to understand and action – many of them come from my paid courses and consultancy.

You can cancel or unsubscribe at any time – no hard feelings.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to get better at selling.

  • Founders & business owners
  • Sales people
  • Newbies
  • and those with experience – there’s something for everyone.

Why sign up?

If you want to learn how to improve your conversion, upsell, handle objections and have a ton of actionable selling strategies then this is for you.


Sign up here for 100 Selling Tips

Why is it free?

The hope is that you will take real value from the tips I’m sharing with you and 1 of 2 things may happen:

1 – You might become an advocate and recommend me and this email series to your network so I can reach and help more people.

2 – You might decide to upgrade to working with me or buying a paid course if you think I can help you.

Whatever happens – you can cancel anytime.

Who is James Newell? (is he any good?)


Sign up here for 100 Selling Tips

What we’ll cover over the next 100 days:

Here’s what we have in store for you over the next 100 days….


Day 1 – You’re probably xxxx . Let’s fix it…

Day 2 – What’s the right xxxx for your buyer?

Day 3 – The problem is you might not know xxxx

Day 4 – Your buyers want xxxx. But you might not have it.

Day 5 – Buyers are xxxx.. but they don’t mean to be

Day 6 – Your xxxx name might be a barrier. Let’s fix it.

Day 7 – Your buyers are xxxx. Treat them accordingly.

Day 8 – You can’t be too xxxx.

Day 9- A simple mechanism to save you THOUSANDS

Day 10 – Knowing xxxx  is where it all begins.

Day 11- Knowing xxxx is important

Day 12 – Know the xxxx of your buyer

Day 13 – The POWER of a xxxx

Day 14 – Ask questions you xxxx

Day 15 – Everyone loves a xxxx, but xxxx adds POWER

Day 16 –Allow buyers to pay for xxxx

Day 17 – Allow buyers to pay for more xxxx

Day 18 – Show buyers xxxx

Day 19 – What is your offer missing?

Day 20 – Do the xxxx for your buyer.

Day 21 –Don’t treat everyone the same

Day 22 – Don’t just xxxx

Day 23 – Your xxxx can connect you to your buyer.

Day 24 – Don’t use the word xxxx

Day 25 – Don’t use the word xxxx

Day 26 – Attract buyers with a xxxx

Day 27 – Talk about your xxxx

Day 28 – Allow buyers to xxxx

Day 29 – It’s xxxx time!

Day 30 – Convert more with a xxxx.

Day 31- Tell your buyers xxxx

Day 32 – Make it easy for buyers to xxxx

Day 33 – When they say “xxxx” you say…

Day 34 – Buyers appreciate your “xxxx”

Day 35 – The power of xxxx

Day 36 – Being xxxx is WORTHLESS

Day 37 – Update people when xxxx happens.

Day 38 – Sell like Domino’s Pizza

Day 39 – Where’s my xxxx?

Day 40 – xxxx eliminate perceived risk.

Day 41 – Get your buyers to xxxx for you

Day 42 – Tell people why they should xxxx

Day 43 – Highlight the cost of xxxx

Day 44 – Tell buyers NOT to buy from you

Day 45 – Sell like a dentist

Day 46 – Stop buyers from xxxx

Day 47 – Upsell people like theme parks

Day 48 – Show them what you are made of

Day 49 – Make a xxxx

Day 50 – Upsell like Amazon

Day 51 – Sell like Netflix

Day 52 – Make it easy for buyers to xxxx

Day 53 – Don’t forget to xxxx

Day 54 – Eliminate xxxx

Day 55 – Make it a xxxx

Day 56 – Sell xxxx of your offering

Day 57 – Sell like LEGO

Day 58 –  Are you xxxx with your buyers?

Day 59 – Some buyers need more xxxx than others

Day 60 – Give your buyers xxxx with their bill

Day 61 – Treat your buyers like Taylor Swift fans

Day 62 – Adopt your buyers’ perspective

Day 63 – What is your offering “xxxx”?

Day 64 – Sell like an Egyptian

Day 65 – Did you see that? I swear it just xxxx!

Day 66 –  Be xxxx and use it to your advantage

Day 67 –  Change your price without changing your price

Day 68 – How do you do what you do?

Day 69 – Make your emails easier to read

Day 70 – Show the xxxx/xxxx

Day 71 – Sell like Apple

Day 72 – Your buyers are 9 year olds

Day 73 – The xxxx thing you say matters

Day 74 – Sell like a Chinese buffett

Day 75 – Sell like QVC

Day 76 – Sell like Tesla

Day 77 – Turn your brand xxxx

Day 78 – Upsell like McDonalds

Day 79 – Don’t charge to fix your buyer’s problems

Day 80 – Does your email signature work?

Day 81 –  The xxxx barrier

Day 82 –

Day 83 –

Day 84 –

Day 85 –

Day 86 –

Day 87 –

Day 88 –

Day 89 –

Day 90 –

Day 91 –

Day 92 –

Day 93 –

Day 94 –

Day 95 –

Day 96 –

Day 97 –

Day 98 –

Day 99 –

Day 100 –


Sign up here for 100 Selling Tips